Sunday, September 25, 2011

Its all black and White!

so... sometimes you just have to join in!
All Black bunting!!!!

...and a grand stand in our lounge room!!!!???

...and the biggest fan ever!

have a great week :)
Arohanui x

Saturday, September 24, 2011

A Typical Okarito evening???

Last tuesday we went for a wee wander up one of our favourite local is almost at our back door! Okarito Trig
we are silly! we really should do it more often...the veiw is pretty special!

old wharf posts.

R putting our boat away.

some locals...

...and a few more!

sorry, got a wee bit carried away with the old Harakeke flowers!
but they did look awesome in the evening glow!
Hope you all have a great weekend!
there is a bit of World Cup fever in our house at the moment...will show photos soon of the madness!
Arohanui x

Friday, September 16, 2011

A Local and a place to sit!

on a walk earlier this morning we encountered this wee chap...a spotted shag,(Parekareka).

sorry about the wait, finally are a couple of views of our new deck!! yay! bring on summer!

hope you are having a lovely weekend!
its Rugby World Cup madness in our house! many weeks is it?????
take care all.
Arohanui xxx

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Recycling Super-stars!

Good Magazine is one of my MOST favourite mags...(yes ...I do admit to a small addiction to magazines!)... and this issue is even cooler because our neighbours feature in it as well as a local photographer!

sorry about my bad photos of the article ...Petr's are way better!
Go South Westland !!!!

Arohanui xxx

The road south of our favourite stops on the way south, Ship Creek.

trying to get a photo of the new snow from the car window ,heading thru the Haast,

Bottom Bay...of course!!! (lake Hawea).

...almost there!
look at all that snow! yay!

Oooooh la la!!

My gorgeous wee friend Chilli girl has been busy!!! i just have to decide which one to buy!!...I think she will need to make some more very soon!
they are for sale at the kayak shop! ...but i will take orders via here as well:)

hope you are all oakely, doakely...ok i know thats not the correct spelling! ...its a "ed-ism"!!!

take care
arohanui xxx

Monday, September 5, 2011

It's been a long time....SORRY!

its been ages!..I know, sometimes life just takes over!
hope you are all well!..its been a busy few months :)

just liked the look of our neighbours clothes line in the evening light last night!

...almost night time!...sweet dreams :)
will try and visit soon!
Arohanui xxx