Wednesday, October 10, 2012

a few bits and pieces.

M checking out one of the new Kayak Trail markers.

Cockles and Pipis collected for Paella yum!

Luuka Jones and Holly Robinson two amazing women who were down to officially open the Doc/Air New Zealand Kayak trail on the lagoon.

our new magazine holder for the kayak shop... a few more DIY coming soon getting ready for the summer season :)
The rain stopped this afternoon for a few hours my washing is half dry! hopefully tomorrow things will be brighter.
sorry I shouldn't complain ....hope you are having a lovely week!
Arohanui x


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

School Holiday adventures.

Yay it is not raining! Welcome Flat Hot pools here we come!

A scroggin stop by the beautiful Copeland river...check out that amazing rock formation in the river??

one of the many swing bridges!
preparing for blisters!
yep that is me!!...just 1 more minute guys and I'll be right with you!!

The first (very high) bridge on the way out!

I think I need something stronger than Miso R!! looks like M has already had some ...what did you put in the soup Mr. R !!????

...the end :) we had an awesome time and M is already planning the next mission.
Thank you M for letting us use your wee was a lot lighter than mine and believe me every bit helped!!!
Hope your school hols are super!
its been a little damp over here but that's spring!!
Arohanui x