Saturday, December 15, 2012

A few bits and pieces from the past month.

bears waiting to be made up for Market day

our glasshouse progressing until an aphid attack!!

one of this years Banded Dotterels out on the beach on the lookout!

 this years Paradise duck babies (5 are still doing well!)

early evening at the wharf.
I hope you are all having a fantastic weekend it is gorgeous here today feels like summer...shouldn't speak too soon I know! i might jinx it!
Arohanui x

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Oooops another month rolls by!

Just a few happenings...some amazing Peonies from Central Otago
and a week later!

This crazy bird was doing some incredible poses high up in a gum tree behind home the other morning!..I'm sure it should have been off looking for food for its babes!

..can't quite reach that itch!

a cake off to be auctioned for pet day! its almost Christmas ...crumbs where has 2012 gone???
sorry about the rubbish postings
hope all is super in your world :)
Arohanui for a great week x

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Out and About.

the road home from camp...the snow was a bit of a surprise!!

the road steaming as the snow melted!

beautiful Lewis Pass.

cycling off into the wilderness...Hanmer Springs style!

back home and our welcome back fan club was waiting!!

just a wee collection from the garden

yes they are rhubarb flowers :)
hope you are all grand!
have a great weekend!
Arohanui xxx

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

a few bits and pieces.

M checking out one of the new Kayak Trail markers.

Cockles and Pipis collected for Paella yum!

Luuka Jones and Holly Robinson two amazing women who were down to officially open the Doc/Air New Zealand Kayak trail on the lagoon.

our new magazine holder for the kayak shop... a few more DIY coming soon getting ready for the summer season :)
The rain stopped this afternoon for a few hours my washing is half dry! hopefully tomorrow things will be brighter.
sorry I shouldn't complain ....hope you are having a lovely week!
Arohanui x


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

School Holiday adventures.

Yay it is not raining! Welcome Flat Hot pools here we come!

A scroggin stop by the beautiful Copeland river...check out that amazing rock formation in the river??

one of the many swing bridges!
preparing for blisters!
yep that is me!!...just 1 more minute guys and I'll be right with you!!

The first (very high) bridge on the way out!

I think I need something stronger than Miso R!! looks like M has already had some ...what did you put in the soup Mr. R !!????

...the end :) we had an awesome time and M is already planning the next mission.
Thank you M for letting us use your wee was a lot lighter than mine and believe me every bit helped!!!
Hope your school hols are super!
its been a little damp over here but that's spring!!
Arohanui x

Friday, September 21, 2012

yay!! the puter is working again!

I know I said I would be back sooner BUT...have been having technical issues again!!(truly)anyway here I am! just a few things that I have been working on

a wee gift for a beautiful baby girl!

and trying to get fit for a tramp!

3 mile coastal walk, just before it rained!

the rain is on its way!!
we went skiing instead as the weather on the coast was not the best for a 8 hour hike!... maybe we will get there in the school holidays! fingers crossed :)
well i must fly and finally get this posted
hope you are all fantastic
Arohanui xxx

Friday, August 31, 2012

Cushions and Cabbage Trees

its been a while...again! sorry just can't seem to get it together lately :(

now that I know the owner has his new cushion, I can show you a few images of what I have been doing with my time lately!


 enjoy this, my wee friend!

Thanks for having me to stay!

                       another stunning evening.

           Hope you are all surviving this spot of wetness!
have a fantastic week and hopefully I will have a few more posts sooner rather than later :)
Arohanui xxx


Saturday, August 4, 2012

Family times in Oamaru.

just a few images of what we have been up too in the last few months...

super cool Steam Punk installation at Oamaru

Hanging out with the wee cousin

catch me if you can?

Yes that is a small cousin attached to my leg!

"I've got you M! its a bit cold for a swim!"

There are heaps more but I don't want to overwhelm you all after this loooooooooong blog break!
hope your having a great weekend :)
Arohanui from Okarito xxx