Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Walks and Memories.

please don't take my photo...a South Island Bush Robin (honest!)

at the top of the Pakahi walk...

and then on the way down the track we bumped into this wee it is not a kiwi!!!
it is very unusual to see a Weka in these parts! maybe he caught a lift in someones vehicle???

Februay 22nd 12.51pm

a little reflection for our friends and familes over the hill...
loads of aroha to you all, you are amazing!
Kia Kaha :)

some very cool coastal grasses.

Hope your week is going ok?
its a bit wet here today...
take care
Arohanui x

Crazy Weather!

this is me standing outside, looking north, it has just stopped raining...

and now looking to the south!!!...not a cloud in the sky!
what a crazy day :)
it cleared from pouring down rain to brilliant sun!
....I love living on the coast!

hope you are having a nice day.
Arohanui x

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Shenandoah Davis Concert.

We were very excited to be able to have an impromptu performance by Shenandoah and her" team" on Monday night in Donovans Store.

They are now heading south ...if you get the chance to see them :)

have a grand day.

Okarito bathed in golden light and rainbows.

the light above the village...

goodnight sun, hopefully see you soon!

Arohanui x

A Night on the Lagoon.

Dinner time.

no wine for you M.

the view the next morning.

an early bird...

and a morning swim!

the way home...

don't jump yet Flynn!!!
we were very lucky to borrow a friends hut for an overnight escape up the lagoon.
It was fantastic!
hope you are all having a good day :)
Arohanui x 

Sunday, February 12, 2012

What has my Wee friend been up too?

My gorgeous friend Miss Tash has been busy!

These are amazing!!!
Enjoy! and please send Tash a wee message on her blog to let her know what you think!!!
hope you are having a grand day!
Arohanui x

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Hanging out in Central!

Hanging out with a big cousin!...please don't take our photo?

OK!! if you insist!!

very cool bike park at Hawea Flat!

awesome central sky!

back on the coast and Ships Creek Tower has been rebuilt!! Yay!

beautiful beach...yes that is the west coast!

amazing rock formations

possible penguin footprints????

the colours in these mosses are stunning!

hope all is well in your world!
 Arohanui x

Friday, February 3, 2012

Red and Black at Whataroa!

First day back at school !

some very special visitors were about to FLY in!! they come!

so mum what did you do today??? meet any famous rugby players????

very cool first day back at school M.
how are we ever going to top that as far as school days!?
(yep I was on the other side of the camera (M,s),thank goodness he thought to get photographic evidence.Mr McCaw is certainly quite an incredible guy...he just doesn't stop smiling!)
well enough going on!
have a grand weekend :)
Arohanui xxx