Friday, August 31, 2012

Cushions and Cabbage Trees

its been a while...again! sorry just can't seem to get it together lately :(

now that I know the owner has his new cushion, I can show you a few images of what I have been doing with my time lately!


 enjoy this, my wee friend!

Thanks for having me to stay!

                       another stunning evening.

           Hope you are all surviving this spot of wetness!
have a fantastic week and hopefully I will have a few more posts sooner rather than later :)
Arohanui xxx


Saturday, August 4, 2012

Family times in Oamaru.

just a few images of what we have been up too in the last few months...

super cool Steam Punk installation at Oamaru

Hanging out with the wee cousin

catch me if you can?

Yes that is a small cousin attached to my leg!

"I've got you M! its a bit cold for a swim!"

There are heaps more but I don't want to overwhelm you all after this loooooooooong blog break!
hope your having a great weekend :)
Arohanui from Okarito xxx

A thousand apologies.

Its been a VERY long time I know, SORRY!!!
i have a few photos but due to technical difficulties it could be a while! (new computer arrrrgh!)
maybe later today????

we hope you are all fantastic and winter hasn't been too long!...unless of course you love skiing etc!
talk soon hopefully
Arohanui xxx