Friday, March 26, 2010

Four Seasons in one Day.

It has been a moody week with lots of changable weather!
We went for a quick bike ride before this storm hit the other afternoon.

The sun came out for 5 minutes.

The beach in true wild west style!...we are soooooooo lucky to live here!
Have a good weekend

Thursday, March 25, 2010


                                            M asking...Really!, I can eat the whole thing??

Just a wee Thankyou to everyone for a wonderful day last week!! yum yum the food was delicious!!
Arohanui xxx

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Some amazing visitors

We recently were visited by a lovely Argentinian couple and their four kids. They are driving around the world in this beautiful 1928 Graham Paige car. They have been on the road for about 9 years!

They were childless when they started, but their oldest child is now 7. They sell a book to help finance their adventure. You can find out more about it on their website

Monday, March 22, 2010

Its been a long Time!

After Dinner the other night the light was so gorgeous ...... I just had to attempt some photos!
R and M got sick of waiting and did some of their own beach sculpture!!  and then they decided it wasn't that safe so kung-fooed it down!!! Boys!!!

so not much too report lately ....the weather has been a bit trying!!! 
it is getting pretty close to the end of our summer( not that 3 weeks is one!) season but exciting as we start final preparations for the big family trip!!!

Last one i promise!