Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Helping Christchurch.

It has been a stink week :(
 I have not felt like writing on here at all.
 It all seems rather pointless at this time when just over the hill Christchurch seems so chaotic.
As you all know, words are not my strength....i just can't seem to find the right thing to say or do?
there are some amazing people doing incredible acts of goodness and people just trying to get on and get thru the day WITHOUT water, toilets or power just mind blowing! are all just amazing!
 I found this tonight and thought it was worth sharing
well enough of me!
I truly do hope you are all doing OK.
we are just over the hill if you need a break .
Arohanui x


  1. HI Ed,,

    Ok so you are never going to guess who is sitting beside me looking at your blog and life from my computer!!???

    Scottish Laura!!

    Lovely Laura is randomly a great friend of my darling flatmate Prue. We just got talking about websites/blogs etc and I was talking about a lovely blogger who I interact with on the West Coast and as I was searching for your blog, Laure said " is it Edwina?" Damn Right!!

    So even more reason to come visit your lovely world. Thanks so much for your comments and stay in touch

    Ju :)

  2. It is a small world!!!
    Crazy aye!! Yes:) you most defiently have to come visit now!!!
    also on another small world note I too spent 7 years growing up in Hanmer Springs ( I am a bit older a than your gorgeous self) but it is a gorgeous wee place especially up over the back...the Clarence and Amuri ski area and Lake Tennyeson.
    Must not rabble on, love to the sweetie Laura
    and Thank you for all your amazing posts and beautiful words!
    Take care Ju
    Love Ed x
